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Permanent Positions

2023 Permanent Positions

2023 Permanent Positions

​Vacancy Circular: 094/2023: Community Development: Overview
​Click here to Apply: Manager: Programmes (Digitization)​
​Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Assistant Director: Transactions: Group Corporate & Shared Services (GCSS)
RE-Advertisement Circular:066/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview​
​Click here to Apply: Head of Department: Public Safety: OCM​
​​Vacancy Circular: 093/2023: Public Safety: Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Tutor/Training Officer: Commercial
​ Click here to Apply: Divisional Chief: Operations
​ Vacancy Circular: 093/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Director: Finance​
​Vacancy Circular: 092/2023: Development Planning: Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Director: Corporate Geo Informatics
​ Click here to Apply: Director: Spatial Transformation Projects​
​​Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services (GCSS)​ :Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Transactions and Quality Assurance
​ Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Public Safety​ :Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Chief: Emergency Management Services
​ Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services​ :Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Human Capital Management (Field Services)
​ Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Office of the City Manager :Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Section Head: Project and Contract Monitoring and Evaluation
​ Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Public Safety​ :Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Tutor/Training Officer: Fire and Hazmat
​Click here to Apply: Tutor/Training Officer: Medical​
​Vacancy Circular: 090/2023: Group Finance: Overview
​ Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Treasury Operations
​ Click here to Apply: Manager: IT & Data
​Vacancy Circular: 089/2023: Public Safety (JMPD): Overview
​Click here to Apply: Chief Superintendent: Investigations​
​Vacancy Circular: 089/2023: Social Development: Overview
​Click here to Apply: Manager: Targeted Beneficiaries Unit
​Vacancy Circular: 089/2023: Group Governance: Overview​
​Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Planning, Learning and Development​
​Extension of Publication Period on Vacancy Circular 086/2023
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Administration
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Sales & Transfer
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Project Officer
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Information Officer
Click here to Apply: Legal and Procedural Advisor
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operator/Driver
Vacancy Circular: 088/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services (SHELA): Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Printing
Click here to Apply:
Withdrawal Notice on Vacancy Circular 083/2023
Vacancy Circular: 086/2023: Group Governance : Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Sustainable Services Cluster
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Corporate Governance (Administration)
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Corporate Governance
Vacancy Circular: 086/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Environmental Planning
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Human Settlement Project Packaging
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Procurement
Vacancy Circular: 086/2023:Human Settlements : Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Public Housing Programme
Vacancy Circular: 086/2023: Group Forensic & Investigation Services : Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Asset and Financial Tracking
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Vetting Services
Vacancy Circular: 084/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Sub-Unit Head: Women and Elderly
Vacancy Circular: 083/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Valuer
Vacancy Circular: 083/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Administrative Assistant
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Committees
Vacancy Circular: 083/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services (GCSS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Business Planning and Performance Management
Vacancy Circular: 082/2023: Citizen Relationship & Urban Management (CRUM): Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Director: Region A
Click here to Apply: Regional Director: Region B
Vacancy Circular: 082/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Station Assistant: Sales and Customer Care
Click here to Apply: Station Supervisor: Stations Operations
Vacancy Circular: 081/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Group Financial Reporting
Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Admin Assistant: Human Settlements
Vacancy Circular: 081/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Talent Acquisition, Recruitment and Transformation
Vacancy Circular: 081/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Professional Officer: Co-Production
Vacancy Circular: 081/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Child Health/EPI/EPR
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 079/2023: Social Development: Overview
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 075/2023: Director: Transport
Vacancy Circular: 078/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Occupational Health Senior Professional Nurse
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Monitoring & Evaluation
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services
Click here to Apply: Manager: Transactions Input x 3
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Environmental & Infrastructure Service Department (EISD)
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Impact Management & Compliance Monitoring
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Water Management and Biodiversity
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Capacity Building and Resource Mobilization
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Expenditure & Financial Reporting
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: General Worker
Vacancy Circular: 077/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Revenue
Vacancy Circular: 076/2023: Group Legal and Contracts: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Municipal Courts and Prosecutions
Withdrawal Notice on Vacancy Circular 075/2023
Vacancy Circular: 075/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Consultant: Organisational Development
Vacancy Circular: 075/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Transport Regulation and Compliance
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 072/2023
Re-Advertisement Vacancy Circular: 059/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Transportation
Vacancy Circular: 074/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Public Programmes
Click here to Apply: Manager: Public Programmes (Digitization)
Re-Advertisement Of Various Circulars
Call For Nomination
Click here to Apply: Integrity Commissioner
Re-Advertisement Vacancy Circular: 057/2023: Office of the Speaker: Overview
Click here to Apply: Secretary to Council (City Secretary)
Re-Advertisement Vacancy Circular: 067/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief of Police
Re-Advertisement Vacancy Circular: 066/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Group Head: Citizen Relationship and Urban Management
Re-Advertisement Vacancy Circular: 066/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head of Department: Public Safety
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 068/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Petitions
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Council & Committees
Vacancy Circular: 073/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Payroll and Administration
Click here to Apply: Officer: Transactions
Vacancy Circular: 072/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Knowledge Hub
Vacancy Circular: 072/2023: Public Safety – JMPD: Overview
Click here to Apply: Shift Supervisor
Vacancy Circular: 072/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Sub-Unit Head: Social Benefits (Expanded Social Package, Social Work)
Vacancy Circular: 072/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Targeted Beneficiaries Unit
Vacancy Circular: 071/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Administrative Assistant
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Committees
Vacancy Circular: 070/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Integrated Intelligent Operation Centre (IIOC)
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 068/2023
Vacancy Circular: 068/2023: Group Legal and Contracts: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Management Support
Vacancy Circular: 068/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Researcher
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Petitions
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Council & Committees
Click here to Apply: Messenger
Click here to Apply: Coordinator Committees
Click here to Apply: Administrative Assistant (Research)
Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Land Use Management
Vacancy Circular: 067/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Service Delivery Excellence & Quality Assurance
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Query Resolution and Rapid Response
Vacancy Circular: 067/2023:Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief of Police
Vacancy Circular: 066/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Group Head: Citizen Relationship and Urban Management
Vacancy Circular: 066/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head of Department: Public Safety
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Land Use Management
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Human Resources
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Office Manager: Special Projects Unit
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief Superintendent: Community Outreach
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Manager: Region A
Click here to Apply: Officer Administration (Logistics)
Vacancy Circular: 065/2023: Citizen Relationship and Urban Management: Overview
Click here to Apply: General Worker
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023 :Group Risk and Assurance Services (GRAS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Strategy Coordination and Management Support Services
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Risk Finance
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Group Projects and Contracts Risk
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Strategic Risk
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Operational Risk
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Librarian: Cataloguing
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Conservator
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Filing Clerk
Click here to Apply: Accounting Assistant: Merchant Payments
Click here to Apply: Officer: Merchant Payments (Reconciliations)
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Environmental and Infrastructure Services Department : Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Sustainability Reporting and Information Management
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Group Legal and Contracts : Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Legal Advisor
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Professional Nurse
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Clinics (Region B & G)
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Stores
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Integrated Development and Business Planning
Vacancy Circular: 064/2023: Group Governance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Committee Coordinator
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 063/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Cashier
Vacancy Circular: 063/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Secretary
Vacancy Circular: 063/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Marketing & Communications
Vacancy Circular: 063/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Workforce Planning and Research
Vacancy Circular: 062/2023: Public Safety (Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department): Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Security & Liaison
Vacancy Circular:060/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Secretary
Vacancy Circular:060/2023: Human Settlements:Overview
Click here to Apply: Bookkeeper: Purchasing
Vacancy Circular: 060/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Licensing and Investigations
Click here to Apply: Director: Finance
Vacancy Circular: 059/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Group Head: Group Risk and Assurance Services
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Transportation
Vacancy Circular: 058/2023: Citizen Relationship & Urban Management (CRUM): Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Director
Vacancy Circular: 058/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Secretary
Vacancy Circular: 058/2023: Public Safety: Emergency Management Services (EMS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Divisional Chief x 2
Vacancy Circular: 057/2023: Office of the Speaker: Overview
Click here to Apply: Secretary to Council (City Secretary)
Addendum to Circular: 053/2023: SHE Specialist: Group Corporate and Shared Services
Click here to Apply: SHE Specialist
Vacancy Circular: 056/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director/Head Acquisitions & Distribution
Vacancy Circular: 056/2023:Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations: Overview
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Integrated and Community-Based Planning
Vacancy Circular: 055/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Health
Vacancy Circular: 054/2023: Office of the Ombudsman: Overview
Click here to Apply: Investigator
Vacancy Circular: 054/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager/Supervisor
Vacancy Circular: 053/2023: Group Risk and Assurance Service (GRAS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Group Projects and Contracts Risk
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Projects and Contracts Risk
Vacancy Circular: 053/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Strategic Urban Planner
Vacancy Circular: 053/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: SHE Specialist
Vacancy Circular: 053/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Administration (Implementation & Monitoring)
Vacancy Circular: 052/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Group Fleet Compliance and Management
Vacancy Circular: 051/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Policy and Guidelines
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: IDP, Business Planning & MHSDP
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Research and Development
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Research & Strategy Benchmarking
Vacancy Circular: 050/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Occupational Health, HIV and AIDS Counsellor
Vacancy Circular: 050/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Secretary: Finance
Vacancy Circular: 050/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Regional Health
Vacancy Circular: 050/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Budget, Expenditure, Accounting & Revenue
Vacancy Circular: 050/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: National Building Regulation
Vacancy Circular:048/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist Strategic Urban Planner (Design & Architecture)
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Strategic Urban Planner
Vacancy Circular:048/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Human Resources
Vacancy Circular:048/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Assets and Insurance
Vacancy Circular:048/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Contract Management and Performance Monitoring
Vacancy Circular: 047/2023: Office of the Ombudsman: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Manager: Complaints and Investigations
Click here to Apply: Executive Manager: Management Support
Addendum To Vacancy Circular: 045/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Worker
Vacancy Circular: 046/2023: Citizens Relationship & Urban Management: Overview
Click here to Apply: Personal Assistant
Vacancy Circular: 046/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Town Planner
Vacancy Circular: 046/2023:Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Secretary
Vacancy Circular: 046/2023: Public Safety – JMPD: Overview
Click here to Apply: Area Manager: Security Services
Vacancy Circular: 044/2023: Private Office of the Executive Mayor (POEM): Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Communications and Stakeholder Management
Click here to Apply: Senior Professional Officer: Strategic Advisory Services
Click here to Apply: Chief Specialist: Communications and Stakeholder Management
Click here to Apply: Director: Executive Support
Click here to Apply: Personal Assistant
Click here to Apply: Council Liaison Specialist
Click here to Apply: Media Liaison Specialist
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager Land Use Management
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Environment & Infrastructure Service Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Climate Change & Resilience
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Information Officer (GIS)
Click here to Apply: GIS Specialist
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Human Settlements: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Researcher
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Community Based Planning
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Data Analytics and Modelling
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Knowledge Hub
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Service Delivery Excellence & Rapid Response
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023 : Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Administrator
Vacancy Circular: 043/2023 :Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Stores
Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Assistant
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Administration Officer
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Biokinetist
Vacancy Circular:041/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Biokinetist
Vacancy Circular:041/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief Plans Examiners
Click here to Apply: Senior Law Enforcement Officer
Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Assistant
Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Administration Clerk
Click here to Apply: Manager: Administration
Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: VIP Protection
Vacancy Circular: 041/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Area Manager: Valuations
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Group Financial Reporting
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Technical Advisory Services
Vacancy Circular: 042/2023: Group Governance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Corporate Governance
Vacancy Circular: 040/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Business Development
Vacancy Circular: 040/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Medical Doctor
Vacancy Circular: 040/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Driver/Messenger
Click here to Apply: Officer: Committee Facilitation and Management
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Stakeholder Relations
Vacancy Circular: 039/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Benefits & Allowances
Vacancy Circular: 037/2023: Public Safety: Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD): Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief of Police
Vacancy Circular: 036/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Service Centre Officer
Vacancy Circular: 036/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Budget Analyst
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 035/2023: Public Safety: Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD): Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager / Supervisor X 2
Vacancy Circular: 035/2023: Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Scorecard/SDBIP
Vacancy Circular: 035/2023: Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Valuer
Addendum to Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Public Transport Operations
Withdrawal Notice on Vacancy Circular 034/2023
Erratum to Vacancy Circular 029/2023: Directors: Health (Remuneration)
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Capital Projects (Deputy Director)
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Group Corporate and Shared Service: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Consultant: Organisational Development
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Group Finance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: VAT and General Ledger
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Office of the Ombudsman: Overview
Click here to Apply: Investigator
Vacancy Circular:003/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Management Support & Development
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Social Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Programme Coordinator: Food Security/Access to Food
Click here to Apply: Sub Unit Head: Partnership and IGR (Deputy Director)
Vacancy Circular:003/2023:Group Governance: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Group Governance and Reporting
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Research and Policy Development
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Governance and Reporting
Vacancy Circular: 033/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Traffic Warden
Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Health: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Transport: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Public Transport Operations
Vacancy Circular: 031/2023: Citizen Relationship & Urban Management (CRUM): Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Director
Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Accounting
Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director
Click here to Apply: Director
Vacancy Circular: 029/2023: Transport Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Revenue Services
Vacancy Circular: 028/2023: Development Planning: Overview
Click here to Apply: Building Inspector
Click here to Apply: Senior Legal Administrator
Vacancy Circular: 028/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Researcher
Click here to Apply: Messenger
Click here to Apply: Information Officer
Vacancy Circular: 028/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Facilities Enhancement
Erratum to Vacancy: 024/2023: Director: Core Financial Accounting
Erratum To Vacancy Circular: 024/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Human Resources
Vacancy Circular: 027/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Transactions Input
Click here to Apply: Consultant: Organisational Development
Vacancy Circular: 026/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Management System, Patterns and Trend
Vacancy Circular:026/2023: Legislature: Overview
Click here to Apply: Legal and Procedural Advisor
Click here to Apply: Director: Community Participation & Ward Governance


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Click here to Apply: Manager: Accounting
Vacancy Circular:025/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Section Head: Professional Development and Oversight of Engineers
Vacancy Circular: 024/2023: Group Finance Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Core Asset Monitoring and Accounting
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Management Reporting
Click here to Apply: Director: Core Financial Accounting
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Curator: Conservation and Collections
Click here to Apply: Conservator (Technician)
Click here to Apply: General Worker
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Citizen Relationship & Urban Management (CRUM): Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Director
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Human Settlement Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Area Manager (Region A – G)
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Public Safety (Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department): Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Security & Liaison
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Strategic Program Delivery Management
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: Cashier
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Head: Prosecutions
Vacancy Circular: 023/2023: Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Strategy, Coordination and Management Support
Vacancy Circular: 022/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Health
Vacancy Circular: 021/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Organisational Development
Vacancy Circular: 020/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Distribution Officer
Click here to Apply: Manager: Printing Planning
Vacancy Circular: 019/2023: Public Safety: Emergency Management Services (EMS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Divisional Chief
Vacancy Circular: 019/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Service Delivery Excellence & Rapid Response
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Service Delivery Excellence & Quality Assurance
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Query Resolution and Rapid Response
Vacancy Circular: 019/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Group Head: Group Safety, Health, Environment, Logistics and Administration, Fleet Compliance and Management
Vacancy Circular: 019/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Regional Health
Vacancy Circular: Finance Department:Overview
Click here to Apply: Financial Manager
Vacancy Circular: Health Department:Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: IT Systems eHealth
Click here to Apply: Manager: eHealth Infrastructure Development & Maintenance
Vacancy Circular: 018/2023: Group Risk and Assurance Service (GRAS): Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Risk Control & Loss Assessment
Click here to Apply: Specialist Compliance Monitoring Services
Click here to Apply: Internal Auditor
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Strategic Risk
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Operational Risk
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Projects and Contracts Risk
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director Business Planning and Performance Management
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Finance
Click here to Apply: Deputy Director: Office Administration
Vacancy Circular: 018/2023: Transport Department:Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Transport Planning and Policy
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Transport Systems and Management
Vacancy Circular: 018/2023: Transport Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Transport Planning and Policy
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Transport Systems and Management
Vacancy Circular: 018/2023: Community Development: Overview
Click here to Apply: General Worker
Vacancy Circular:018/2023: Public Safety: Emergency Management Services (EMS): Overview
Click here to Apply:Station Commander
Erratum To Vacancy Circular 017/2023: Officer: Performance Management:Overview
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Performance Management
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Group Finance Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Officer: Contract Management and Performance Monitoring
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Public Safety Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Director: Integrated Intelligent Operation Centre (IIOC)
Vacancy Circular:017/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Occupational Health, HIV and AIDS Counsellor
Click here to Apply: SHE Specialist
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Benefits & Allowances
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Legislature Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Administrator
Vacancy Circular: 017/2023: Environmental & Infrastructure Service Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Impact Management & Compliance Monitoring
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Finance
Click here to Apply: Unit Head: Water Management and Biodiversity
Erratum to Vacancy Circular: 016/2023: Manager Programs
Vacancy Circular: 016/2023: Public Safety: Overview
Click here to Apply: Chief of Police
Click here to Apply: Head: Policy and Strategy
Click here to Apply: Director: Licensing and Investigations
Vacancy Circular: 015/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Section Head: Professional Development and Oversight of Engineers
Vacancy Circular: 013/2023: Group Corporate & Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Assistant Director: Skills Development
Vacancy Circular: 013/2023: Transport Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Transport Planning & Policy
Vacancy Circular: 013/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Manager: Management System, Patterns and Trend
Click here to Apply: Environmental Health Practitioner
Vacancy Circular: 013/2023: Group Corporate and Shared Services: Overview
Click here to Apply: Specialist: Employee Wellness Programme
Vacancy Circular: 014/2023: Development Planning: Overview
click here to apply: Assistant Director: National Building Regulations
click here to apply: Deputy Director: GIS and Customer Services
click here to apply: Deputy Director: Finance
click here to apply: Deputy Director: Business Planning and Strategic Partnerships
Vacancy Circular: 011/2023: Office of the City Manager: Overview
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Health
Click here to Apply: Chief Operations Officer
Click here to Apply: Executive Head: Office of the City Manager
Click here to Apply: Group Chief Financial Officer
Click here to Apply: Group Head: Communication & Marketing
Click here to Apply: Group Executive Director: Group Corporate & Shared Services
Click here to Apply: Executive Director: Economic Development
Vacancy Circular: 010/2023: Health Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Clinics
Vacancy Circular: 010/2023: Environmental & Infrastructure Services Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Senior Specialist: Impact Management
Vacancy Circular: 010/2023: Community Development Department: Overview
Click here to Apply: Regional Project Manager
Click here to Apply: Manager: Sports and Recreation
Click here to Apply: Operational Manager: Sports and Recreation
Click here to Apply: Officer: Sports and Recreation