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​​Joburg Connect​

​​Joburg Connect​

Joburg call centre

Joburg call centre 

Why a call centre?
The City offers a single point of telephonic contact for all citizens in Johannesburg in order to streamline its service to you. The contact centre handles all queries, suggestions, comments and complaints.
Please note, that unless you have logged a call with the call centre or Service centre, and received a reference number, your query will not receive any attention by the relevant department and resolution will not take place. 
In the event that a call cannot be handled at first point of contact, a service ticket will be logged for the appropriate department’s resolution. A reference number will be given to you which enables you to follow up on progress on this service ticket to finality.
The call centre operates 24/7 365 days a year on 0860 56 28 74 or 0860-JOBURG. All calls are recorded for both training/coaching purposes.
By phoning Joburg Connect you can;
  • Check your account balance. Please note there is a self-service option that will give you your current statement balance should you not wish to hold for an agent.
  • Request a current statement be sent via e-mail.
  • Confirm your contact details. Please note only a postal address, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses can be changed by an agent.
  • Phone in meter readings.
  • Enquire about payment related queries.
  • Enquire about deposit information.
  • Log your query
Once you have dialled 0860 56 28 74/0860-JOBURG, a voice recording will guide you to the appropriate option:
There are a range of these:
  • Option 1 – Account and billing queries/ self-help balance enquires. Please remember to have your account number available.
  • Option 2 – City Power. Please note that this option only deals with technical queries.
  • Option 3 – Joburg Water. Please note that this option only deals with technical queries.
  • Option 4 – Pikitup/refuse removal. Please note that this option does not deal with billing related enquiries.
  • Option 5 – Roads queries.
  • Option 6 – Metrobus and Rea Vaya queries.
  • Option 0 – All other city related enquires not covered above.
It is also possible to fax your enquiry to 011 358-3408/09 or email joburgconnect@joburg.org.za
Emergency Connect
Emergency Connect deal only with life threatening calls and can be contacted on 011 375-5911 or 10177.
Life threatening emergencies apply only to a request for the services of the fire brigade, ambulances or Joburg Metro Police.
The call centre is the main delivery channel for customer service. The City of Johannesburg believes that establishing a call centre was a reflection of its commitment to and care of its staff and customers. It also showed that it was ready to provide the service that customers expected.
The City of Johannesburg had functions similar those done by a call centre, but they were fragmented and disjointed. The single call centre aimed to centralise and formalise those functions into a sophisticated call centre that strived for service performance and organisational efficiency.
The advantages of a call centre include:
One number serves all and improves service delivery.
Customer queries and complaints are properly and promptly addressed, and action is taken to solve queries and eliminate public complaints.
A more functional call-handling process has been put into place, with target response times.
It ensures that standards are set for key activities related to the call centre that can then be measured.
Plans have been put in place to achieve and maintain targets.
An efficient process has been developed to manage call centre internal relationships with other business areas and to identify, review and resolve issues as they arise.
It enables forecasting and business planning to manage the effect of activity on the operations.
How is the call centre structured?
The call centre is divided into three specialist departments:
Emergency Connect – 011 375 5911 – is a 24-hour emergency services call centre where appropriately qualified call centre agents take calls relating to all life-threatening emergencies and from where dispatchers send out appropriate response vehicles, namely ambulances, fire engines, rescue vehicles and metro police.
Care Connect – 0860 562 874 – deals primarily with all general inquiries for public service providers such as querying accounts, billing, meter readings, water, electricity, roads, Metro bus, refuse, traffic fines, and so on. You can also fax your query to 011 375 6555 or e-mail joburgconnect@joburg.org.za  This is a customer relations call centre. A single contact number is used to assist the public with queries relating to municipal services.
Why call this number?
It is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year number to log inquires or complaints like billing issues, meter readings, reports of burst pipes, out of order robots, electricity, water, refuse, traffic fines, Metro bus and others, and to follow up on the progress being made in resolving the problem.
What happens when you call this number?
A call agent answers the call.
  • The caller is asked to give his or her name, account number (if required) and telephone number.
  • The call agent logs details of the inquiry or complaint.
  • The call agent issues a reference number.
  • The call agent sends logged details to the relevant service provider for resolution. What if the call agent cannot help you?
  • The caller gets a reference number, which he or she uses when calling Joburg Connect back to find out the progress being made on the specific complaint. ​

Emergency Connect: 011 375 5911

This is an emergency call centre with a single contact number to assist the public in any life-threatening situation, like fire or if an ambulance or the metro police are needed.

Why call this number?
  • It is a 24-hour emergency services call centre that only deals with calls about life-threatening situations.
  • Call agents take all calls relating to life-threatening emergencies, log the calls and send the information through to a dispatcher in either the emergency management services department or the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department for the immediate dispatching of an emergency vehicle, like an ambulance, fire engine, rescue vehicle or metro police.
What happens when you call this number?
  • ​A call agent, trained to deal with emergency situations, answers the call.
  • The call agent inquires and captures the necessary patient or incident information and location. The agent is able to provide life-saving medical assistance over the telephone, if necessary.
  • The captured patient or incident details are transferred electronically to the appropriate dispatch centre.
Emergency management service dispatch
  • Dispatch is aware of the current position of all ambulances available and can dispatch them with maximum efficiency.
  • Dispatchers convey details about the medical emergency, as well as the quickest route, to the paramedics by cellphone or radio so they are prepared.
  • The same incident or patient information is available to all dispatchers simultaneously, making the service as efficient as possible.
Metro police dispatch
This unit dispatches the nearest available metro police vehicle to the scene. 
Frequent Questions 
What does Joburg Connect have to offer?
Emergency Connect: 011 375 5911
  • 24-hour emergency services relating to all-life threatening situations, including ambulances, fire engines, metro police; and
  • Appropriately qualified call agents assist customers in a caring and professional manner in life-threatening situations. 
Care Connect: 0860 562 874 
  • 24-hour customer care relating to all services rendered by the City of Johannesburg;
  • Automated answering system with the ability to switch through to manual attendants;
  • More than 220 call agents and dispatchers, with 300 incoming lines, and the capacity to increase as demands grows;
  • Qualified and trained call agents and dispatchers answer calls promptly;
  • Call agents assist the public in a polite and helpful manner at all times;
  • If Call agents are unable to resolve a problem immediately, a call reference number is issued, and the call will be referred to an appropriate council service provider, who in turn will phone the caller back with the correct information or a solution to the problem; and
  • Residents can also fax their queries to 011 375 6555 or email joburgconnect@joburg.org.za
Why different numbers?
  • Emergency Connect deals only with life-threatening situations. These call centre agents are specialists in the field of emergency care and will attend to callers and dispatch the necessary resources. The Emergency Connect number is dedicated to life-threatening emergencies and must not be used for any other service-related inquiries. Streamlining emergency contact numbers increases efficiency and means one only needs to remember one number in any life-threatening situation, in the City of Johannesburg. The emergency number is dedicated to emergencies only and must not be used for any service-related inquiry.
  • Care Connect is a channel through which citizens can request, inquire or complain about the City of Johannesburg’s services. The call centre eliminates the past frustrations of citizens who often had to call numerous numbers before speaking to a person who is able to assist them.
What is Emergency Connect?
It is an emergency number for the City of Johannesburg through which one can ask for help when life or property is threatened. Through this number, residents will be put in touch with the nearest relevant emergency service provider, like ambulance services, traffic officers, the fire department or metro police.
Which services can be contacted on the Emergency Connect number?
The fire brigade, the ambulance service with paramedics, traffic officers and the metro police in your area can be alerted immediately a call is made. 

When should I ring the emergency services?

When you or anybody near you:

  • Suffers serious burns or injuries;
  • Has eaten or drunk something poisonous or is poisoned by gas;
  • Witnesses or is involved in a road accident;
  • Is involved in a drowning incident;
  • Is in emergency childbirth;
  • Suffers a serious medical condition, like a heart attack, asthma or other; or
  • Sudden collapse. 
When you witness, or are aware of;
  • Serious crimes such as car hijacking, armed robbery, theft or murder;
  • Sexual and physical abuse of children and women, a fire, flood or explosion in a building or vehicle that could endanger lives; or
  • The effects of a natural disaster, like fire, floods or a storm.
What should I do in an emergency?
  • Dial 011 375 5911;
  • Stay calm, speak clearly and stay on the line until the operator tells you to replace the receiver;
  • Tell the operator where to find the person or people needing care, who is hurt, sick or in danger and briefly explain what happened; and 
  • Give the exact location of the emergency and point out any landmarks to help the emergency services locate the scene.
 What should you do when you witness a crime or serious accident?
Phone 011 375 5911 and report what you have seen. The operator will tell you if you should do anything more, such as apply first aid, and when.
What should you do while you are waiting for help?
  • Don’t move an injured person unless they are in danger;
  • Keep those who are injured warm and comfortable;
  • Calm children down by talking gently to them;
  • Stay calm and get other unharmed people to help keep the victims safe; and
  • Make it easy for emergency services to spot and reach you.
 What happens if I dial the number by mistake or as a joke?
  • The number is only to be called in an emergency or in a life-threatening situation.
  • If you dial the number by accident, tell the operator immediately.
  • Hoax or prank telephone calls just clog the system and could prevent the call agent from attending to a real emergency.
  • Hoax or prank calls will lead to the prosecution of the person who made the call, as per Icasa legislation.
Why only one number for customer service?
  • By putting in place a state-of-the-art customer care call centre, the City of Johannesburg has created a primary point of contact for all its citizens.
  • Now one number, 0860 562 874, enables residents to access immediately all services rendered by the City of Johannesburg wherever they are in the City, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Which services can be accessed through 0860 562 874?
Public services:
  • Health facilities and child care;
  • City libraries and maintenance of parks, cemeteries and crematoria;
  • Fresh Produce, Fish and Flower Market, a platform for farmers and small holdings to sell produce; and
  • Sport and recreation centres responsible for facilities such as swimming pools and council halls.
Household services:
  • City Power – for all electricity services such as street light outages, power failures, billing and account queries;
  • Egoli Gas – for gas supply and maintenance;
  • Johannesburg Water – for maintenance of water supplies, meters, billing and account queries;
  • Pikitup – for waste management such as refuse removal and public and private dumping sites and free bins and bags for disadvantaged communities;
  • Propcom – for the management and leasing of council property;
  • Transport – for Metro Bus services for bus routes, timetables and tickets;
  • Road Agency – for road, pavement and robot maintenance;
  • Culture and recreation – Civic Theatre for theatrical productions, costume and electronic prop hire and all that caters to all sections of the population of Gauteng conference facilities, museums and art galleries;
  • Johannesburg Zoo – for educational and nocturnal tours, providing good, wholesome family entertainment for the citizens of Gauteng;
  • Johannesburg Development Agency – economic development and job creation;
  • Corporate services – property evaluation for private sector and outside institutions;
  • Legal services – information on the Access to Information Act;
  • Directorate of finance – rates and taxes and rebates for senior citizens;
  • Procurement – contracts between the City of Johannesburg and council entities and suppliers;
  • Traffic fines, accident claims and lawsuits resulting from council services;
  • Corporate services – for administrative support (council decisions and related documents);
  • Planning services – for environmental and town planning, property information and building plan approvals and regulations;
  • Johannesburg Tourism Company; and
  • Johannesburg Social Housing Company.