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Anti-Fraud Hotline


The City has set up an anti-fraud hotline that handles allegations of fraud, corruption, theft and other crimes of dishonesty committed against it. Reporting fraud is everyone’s responsibility – fraudulent behaviour affects all of us through increased bills and dangerous electrical connections, among others. If you suspect or are aware of fraud or corruption within the city, call 0800 002 587. 

All allegations are thoroughly investigated and, where warranted, followed up with the full force of the law. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence and the callers may remain anonymous.

Fraud includes any illegal connections. These are any interference by unauthorised persons with the City’s power or water networks, or with meters.

Fraudulent actions include:





A meter that has been removed and connected to an illegal power supply;Two or more houses connected to one power supply;

Stealing of cables and pipes;

Illegally reconnecting an electricity supply;

Tapping into a power infrastructure that doesn’t belong to the household, such as a street light;

Tampering with meters and reversing the readings, or slowing them down;

Illegally connecting a cable that has been disconnected because of non-payment; and

Paying or attempting to pay a City employee for personal gain.

Tip-off line for City Power: 0800 00 32 51


Deliberately providing the City with false contact and personal information;Failure to create a new account for a new tenant or homeowner; and

Paying or attempting to pay a City employee for personal gain.

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 0800 002 587